Terms of service

Browsing atozpictures.com: you can see and download pictures and wallpapers from atozpictures.com with out any permission and with out any account.

Account on atozpictures.com : Many activities is on atozpictures.com like that image upload , posting comments, rating system, newsletter system and slides. These features if you need to access, you must register at atozpictures.com.

You can register at atozpictures.com three ways, that are facebook login, google login and twitter login.

Access Information: when you access atozpictures, we must record date and information. such as image upload, comments,friends communications and contact information.

Content Uploaded to Site :

- Any your personal information or pictures can download and use other persons.

- We do not use your email id for marketing purpose with out your consent.

Privacy Policy Range : This privacy policy is applicable for AtoZpictures.com only and it is not use for other websites.


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